
whey is configured in the pyproject.toml file defined in PEP 517 and PEP 518.


whey only supports TOML v0.5.0. pyproject.toml files using features of newer TOML versions may not parse correctly.


whey must be set as the build-backend in the [build-system] table.


requires = [ "whey",]
build-backend = "whey"


The metadata used by whey is defined in the [project] table, per PEP 621.

As a minimum, the table MUST contain the keys name and version 1.


Other tools, such as flit and trampolim, may support determining project.version dynamically without specifying a value in pyproject.toml.

Type: String
Required: True

The name of the project.

Ideally, the name should be normalised to lowercase, with underscores replaced by hyphens. The name may only contain ASCII letters, numbers, and the following symbols: ._- . It must start and end with a letter or number.

This key is required, and MUST be defined statically.


name = "spam"
Type: String

The version of the project as supported by PEP 440.

With whey this key is required, and must be defined statically. Other backends may support determining this value automatically if it is listed in project.dynamic.


version = "2020.0.0"
Type: String

A short summary description of the project.

PyPI will display this towards the top of the project page. A longer description can be provided as readme.


description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!"
Type: String or table

The full description of the project (i.e. the README).

The field accepts either a string or a table. If it is a string then it is the relative path to a text file containing the full description. The file’s encoding MUST be UTF-8, and have one of the following content types:

  • text/markdown, with a a case-insensitive .md suffix.

  • text/x-rst, with a a case-insensitive .rst suffix.

  • text/plain, with a a case-insensitive .txt suffix.

The readme field may instead be a table with the following keys:

  • file – a string value representing a relative path to a file containing the full description.

  • text – a string value which is the full description.

  • content-type – (required) a string specifying the content-type of the full description.

  • charset – (optional, default UTF-8) the encoding of the file.

The file and text keys are mutually exclusive, but one must be provided in the table.

PyPI will display this on the project page


readme = "README.rst"
readme = {file = "", content-type = "text/markdown", encoding = "UTF-8"}
text = "Spam is a brand of canned cooked pork made by Hormel Foods Corporation."
content-type = "text/x-rst"
Type: String

The Python version requirements of the project, as a PEP 508 specifier.


requires-python = ">=3.6"
Type: Table

The table may have one of two keys:

  • file – a string value that is a relative file path to the file which contains the license for the project. The file’s encoding MUST be UTF-8.

  • text – string value which is the license of the project.

These keys are mutually exclusive.


license = {file = "LICENSE.rst"}
file = "COPYING"
text = """
This software may only be obtained by sending the author a postcard,
and then the user promises not to redistribute it.
Type: Array of tables with string keys and values

The tables list the people or organizations considered to be the “authors” of the project.

Each table has 2 keys: name and email. Both keys are optional, and both values must be strings.

  • The name value MUST be a valid email name (i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an email, in RFC 822) and not contain commas.

  • The email value MUST be a valid email address.


authors = [
    {name = "Dominic Davis-Foster", email = ""},
    {name = "The pip developers", email = ""}
name = "Tzu-ping Chung"

email = ""
Type: Array of tables with string keys and values

The tables list the people or organizations considered to be the “maintainers” of the project.

This field otherwise functions the same as authors.


authors = [
  {email = ""},
  {name = "Tzu-ping Chung"}
maintainers = [
  {name = "Brett Cannon", email = ""}
Type: Array of strings

The keywords for the project.

These can be used by community members to find projects based on their desired criteria.


keywords = [ "egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor",]
Type: Array of strings

The trove classifiers which apply to the project.

Classifiers describe who the project is for, what systems it can run on, and how mature it is. These can then be used by community members to find projects based on their desired criteria.


classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
    "Programming Language :: Python"
Type: Table, with keys and values of strings

A table of URLs where the key is the URL label and the value is the URL itself.

The URL labels are free text, but may not exceed 32 characters.


homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
changelog = ""
Type: Table, with keys and values of strings

The console scripts provided by the project.

The keys are the names of the scripts and the values are the object references in the form module.submodule:object.

See the entry point specification for more details.


spam-cli = "spam:main_cli"
# One which depends on extras:
foobar = "foomod:main_bar [bar,baz]"
Type: Table, with keys and values of strings

The graphical application scripts provided by the project.

The keys are the names of the scripts, and the values are the object references in the form module.submodule:object.

See the entry point specification for more details.


spam-gui = "spam.gui:main_gui"
Type: Table of tables, with keys and values of strings

Each sub-table’s name is an entry point group.

Users MUST NOT create nested sub-tables but instead keep the entry point groups to only one level deep.

Users MUST NOT create sub-tables for console_scripts or gui_scripts. Use [project.scripts] and [project.gui-scripts] instead.

See the entry point specification for more details.


tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes"

# pytest plugins refer to a module, so there is no ':obj'
nbval = "nbval.plugin"
Type: Array of PEP 508 strings

The dependencies of the project.

Each string MUST be formatted as a valid PEP 508 string.


dependencies = [
    "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'",
    "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'"
Type: Table with values of arrays of PEP 508 strings

The optional dependencies of the project.

  • The keys specify an extra, and must be valid Python identifiers.

  • The values are arrays of strings, which must be valid PEP 508 strings.


test = [
  "pytest < 5.0.0",
Type: Array of strings

Specifies which fields listed by PEP 621 were intentionally unspecified so whey can provide such metadata dynamically.

Whey currently only supports classifiers, dependencies, and requires-python as dynamic fields. Other tools may support different dynamic fields.


dynamic = [ "classifiers",]

base-classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
    "Typing :: Typed",


Type: String

The path to the package to distribute, relative to the directory containing pyproject.toml. This defaults to if unspecified.


name = "domdf-python-tools"

package = "domdf_python_tools"
Type: String

The name of the directory containing the project’s source. This defaults to '.' if unspecified.


name = "flake8"
source-dir = "src/flake8"
Type: Array of strings

A list of entries for additional files to include in distributions.

The supported commands are:



include pat1 pat2 ...

Add all files matching any of the listed patterns

exclude pat1 pat2 ...

Remove all files matching any of the listed patterns

recursive-include dir-pattern pat1 pat2 ...

Add all files under directories matching dir-pattern that match any of the listed patterns

recursive-exclude dir-pattern pat1 pat2 ...

Remove all files under directories matching dir-pattern that match any of the listed patterns

whey was built with type hints in mind, so it will automatically include any py.typed files and *.pyi stub files automatically.


If using tool.whey.source-dir, the entries for files within the package must start with the value of source-dir.

For example, if source-dir is 'src' and the package is at src/spam an entry might be include src/spam/template.scss.


additional-files = [
    "include domdf_python_tools/google-10000-english-no-swears.txt",
    "recursive-exclude domdf_python_tools *.json",
source-dir = "src"
additional-files = [
    "include src/domdf_python_tools/google-10000-english-no-swears.txt",
    "recursive-exclude src/domdf_python_tools *.json",
Type: String

An identifier giving the project’s license.

This is used for the License field in the Core Metadata, and to add the appropriate trove classifier.

It is recommended to use an SPDX Identifier, but note that not all map to classifiers.


license-key = "MIT"
Type: Array of strings

A list of trove classifiers.

This list will be extended with the appropriate classifiers for the license-key and the supported platforms, python-implementations and python-versions.

This field is ignored if classifiers is not listed in project.dynamic


dynamic = [ "classifiers", ]

base-classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
    "Typing :: Typed",
Type: Array of strings

A list of supported platforms. This is used to add appropriate trove classifiers and is listed under Platform in the Core Metadata.


platforms = [ "Windows", "Linux",]
Type: Array of strings

A list of supported Python implementations. This can be used to add appropriate trove classifiers.


python-implementations = [ "CPython", "PyPy",]
Type: Array of strings

A list of supported Python versions. This can be used to add appropriate trove classifiers and dynamically determine the minimum required Python version for project.requires-python.


python-versions = [

Environment Variables


Setting this to 0 disables the optional README validation feature, which checks the README will render correctly on PyPI.


To make reproducible builds, set this to a timestamp as a number of seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC, and document the value you used. On Unix systems, you can get a value for the current time by running:

date +%s


The timestamp cannot be before 1980-01-01 or after 2107-12-31.


Run whey in verbose mode. This includes printing the names of the files being added to the sdist or wheel.

If using whey’s command-line interface, this option defaults to 0. Setting it to 1 has the same meaning as the -v / --verbose option.

If using whey’s PEP 517 backend, this option defaults to 1. Setting it to 0 disables the verbose output.


Show the complete traceback on error.

This option defaults to 0. Setting it to 1 has the same meaning as the -T / --traceback option, both for the command-line interface and the PEP 517 backend.

Complete Example

This is an example of a complete pyproject.toml file for PEP 621.

For an explanation of each field, see the Configuration section.

requires = [ "whey",]
build-backend = "whey"

name = "spam"
version = "2020.0.0"
description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!"
readme = "README.rst"
requires-python = ">=3.8"
license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}
keywords = [ "egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor",]
authors = [
    {name = "Dominic Davis-Foster", email = ""},
    {name = "The pip developers", email = ""}
maintainers = [
    {name = "Brett Cannon", email = ""}
classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
    "Programming Language :: Python"

dependencies = [
    "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'",
    "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'"

test = [
    "pytest < 5.0.0",

homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
changelog = ""

spam-cli = "spam:main_cli"
# One which depends on extras:
foobar = "foomod:main_bar [bar,baz]"

spam-gui = "spam:main_gui"

tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes"

# pytest plugins refer to a module, so there is no ':obj'
nbval = "nbval.plugin"